Library/Media Curriculum Overviews

    Elementary Schools
    The Library Media Curriculum at the elementary schools introduces all students to the wonderful world of diverse literature, information/non-fiction texts, and information literacy skills. Students learn how to use the library, its resources, and develop skills necessary to conduct investigation, inquiry and research. They develop and build skills in using print and digital resources. 
    Elementary classes are regularly scheduled for direct Library Media instruction and additional training and lessons are provided through collaboration between classroom teachers and the Library Media Specialist.

    Middle Schools
    The Library Media Curriculum at the middle schools reinforces and expands upon information literacy skills, providing students with additional, tiered instruction in conducting research. Students expand their repertoire of research resources, utilizing more sophisticated print and digital resources, and gain skill in choosing quality resources. They gain exposure to a wide variety of literature provided through a diverse collection developed to meet the unique needs of our student population.
    Middle School Library Media instruction is offered through both a fixed schedule - for all students - and through a flex schedule – where there is on-going collaboration between classroom teachers and the Library Media Specialist. 

    High School
    The Library Media Curriculum at the high school continues to reinforce and expand upon information literacy skills required for success. High quality, sophisticated print & digital resources are used to further develop student skills. The Library Media Center’s extensive fiction collection is developed to appeal to a diverse student body with different needs, abilities & interests. 
    High School students receive formal instruction in utilizing print and digital resources and in analyzing the quality of resources. The Library Media Specialists maintain communication with classroom teachers to create collaborative lessons anchored on fostering quality research and inquiry.



    LPS media center  
    LPS media center