About Medications

  • With the increasing numbers of students requiring medications during the school year, the need for early preparation cannot be stressed enough.
    Medications dispensed to manage chronic presentations such as diabetes, seizures, asthma, allergy, ADHD, mental health diagnoses, etc. MUST be presented to the school nurse PRIOR to the first day of school.  This allows for the appropriate steps to be taken to safely manage all medications on the first day of school. 
    At the bottom of this letter you will find various medication administration forms.  Download the forms that are specific to your child's needs and have your son/daughter's physician/advanced practice nurse fill it out and sign it.  Your signature is also required in order for any medication to be given by the school nurse during the school year.  Remember, all medications must be delivered to the nurse in the original pharmacy labeled container, including over the counter medications, such as Tylenol or Advil.
    You may also download these forms at any later time as the school year progresses by going to the district's website. Under District Departments, please select Health Services and then on the next screen select Health Forms.  Scroll down and find Request for Medication to be Administered by School Nurse.  Additionally, forms pertinent to asthma, emergency epinephrine, and self-medication for life-saving meds are available amongst the forms for download.
    Please drop off your child's medication with the appropriate forms filled out and signed by your child's physician. Please contact your child's school directly to confirm the dates that the nurse will be available. Please drop off your child's medication with the appropriate forms filled out and signed by your child's physician. Please ask to see your school nurse to discuss the medication as prescribed by the physician/advanced practice nurse. If you wish to make an appointment to discuss your child's medication and care needs, contact your child's nurse directly. This is particularly important for students leaving 5th grade and entering Mt. Pleasant Middle School, leaving 6th grade and entering Heritage Middle School and leaving 8th grade to attend Livingston High School.
    Thank you for your diligence and preparation as we prepare for each school year.