Social Emotional Support for Families

  • social/emotional support The following page has been set up to house information about social and emotional support as well as resources in order to help reduce stress and keep mentally healthy during times of crisis. We are all processing, in different ways, the changes that have impacted our every-day routines, the effect of receiving daily information about the Coronavirus and the transition to adapting to remote learning in response to this emerging situation.

    Since the circumstances around the spread of Coronavirus are ever-changing, we will continue to update this page with any new resources that we might be able to provide. This page is an informational resource only.

    Any urgent information or significant developments surrounding this issue will continue to be communicated through email and texts.

    If you have an urgent concern about the well-being of your child(ren),  please contact your healthcare professional. If you have a general concern, please email your building Administrator and School Counselor so that they can connect with you directly to provide you with information and resources to support your needs.

    We encourage you to review and try the social and emotional supports and resources included below. Despite the stress and worry that may surround us, there is hope in using these supports to connect and support one another's mental health and well-being.  

  • has created a page of free resources for families to use to further connect and strengthen our mental health during this time. Within the link above you have access to audio and video on the following topics:
    • Soothing Meditations
    • Sleep Meditations
    • Sleep Stories
    • Calming Music
    • Movement/Yoga (Calm Body)
    • Creative Activities (Calm Masterclass)
    • Calming Activities for Kids (Calm Kids) 
    Additionally, here is a mindfulness journal that the whole family can begin to use to practice mindfulness: Mindfulness Journal
    If you would like to implement a daily practice of mindfulness, take a look at's daily Calm Calendar: Daily Calm Calendar
  • GoNoodle Good Energy

    GoNoodle is awesome fun for the whole family! We love it when everyone does our dances, sings our songs, and plays GoNoodle together. It’s a daily ritual in most elementary schools across the U.S. (and many around the world) and we think it’s a super fun thing you can do with your little ones every day too! Plus, we have another app called “GoNoodle Games” that is an awesome way to get your kids moving in front of the screen. Sign up for our emails and in the days and weeks ahead, we will send you weekly fresh, fun ideas for you and your kids well-beyond GoNoodle.  Good Energy at home website: click here

  • SEL skills

  • Yale University The Science of Well-Being
    "In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life."  Click here to begin this free course from Yale University.

  • yoga 4 classrooms Read this blog together as a family to that focuses on Seven Ways to Find Grace and Alleviate Suffering During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

    1. Focus on the positive.
    2. Practice compassion.
    3. Uncover the opportunity.
    4. Stay connected.
    5. Get outside.
    6. Write down 5 things you are grateful for.
    7. Be generous.

     daily quarantine questions