• In anticipation of a new food vendor providing lunches to Harrison School next year, Student Council members were invited to a “Taste Testing” where they sampled chicken tenders, cheeseburgers and macaroni and cheese. Judging from the many smiles and thumbs up, the taste testing was a success!  (Be sure to scroll down to find out about another important Student Council Event!)

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    On Thursday, May 28th, twelve fifth grade Student Council members boarded a bus with advisor Lynn Sorrentino, to travel to Ronald McDonald House in Long Branch, NJ.   The visitors from Harrison were invited to take a tour of the non-profit facility which provides free temporary housing for families of children up to age 21 who are undergoing treatment for life-threatening illnesses.  The House, run mostly by volunteers, truly impressed the students, some of whom expressed the opinion that “everyone should see this.”  But the tour wasn’t the only reason for the visit.  The students also delivered 53,200 pop tabs which had been collected with the help of the entire Harrison community during the course of the 2014-2015 school year.  Adding that amount to the number of tabs collected during the last three years since this project began, the total number of pop tabs Harrison has donated is an amazing 252,000! The tabs are taken to a local recycling center which remits 55 cents per pound back to the Ronald McDonald Houses of Long Branch and New Brunswick.  Good work Harrison School!  Another job well done!