
     trophy On Saturday, April 1, students from Harrison School competed in the Carol Geers Memorial Tournament: Lancer Junior Invitational. Their performances included Interpretive Reading  -- stories, (excerpts from Matilda and The Book Thief)  -- as well as Oratorical Declamation -- memorized speeches (including Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” and “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop”, as well as Bill Gates’ Commencement Address to Harvard).  The JV and Varsity teams took home the first place award.  Raquel Silva won first place in Oratorical Declamation and second place for Interpretive Reading.  The Interpretive Reading category included two other Harrison winners:  3rd place went to Sylvie Friedman, and 4th place to Dasara Kurti. Congratulations to all the students for representing Harrison so honorably, and for a job well done!