Earn College Credit

  • You Can Earn 3 College Credits from LHS Business Courses!

    Through our dual enrollment partnerships, students can earn credit through Fairleigh Dickinson University (FDU) and Syracuse University. 

    FDU Early College Dual Enrollment (Click for more info)

    LHS students can earn three college credits through Fairleigh Dickinson University if they achieve a grade of "C" or better by taking the following courses in the Business Department:

    • Accounting 1 & Accounting 2
    • Computer Applications
    • Virtual Enterprise
    • Marketing
    • Microsoft Office Specialist

    Applications and information for the FDU credit are distributed by the teacher at the beginning of the school year, and must be submitted with payment for the credit by the stated due date (usually 2nd week of September). For information on current costs, and more program information, visit the FDU website linked above, or contact your child's teacher.

    Syracuse Unviersty Project Advance


    LHS students can earn three college credits through Syracuse University upon the successful completion of the class by taking the following courses in the Business Department:

    • Entrepreneurship

    Applications and information for the Syracuse University credit are distributed by the teacher at the beginning of the school year, and must be submitted with payment for the credit by the stated due date. For information on current costs, and more program information, visit the Syracuse University Project Advance website here.